• mulch forestry mulching masticator defensible space wildfire protection weed abatement brush clearing mowing removal San Diego county land California North east county tractor caterpillar 299

    Foresty Mulching

    Forestry mulching, also know as forestry mastication, is one of the most efficient methods for clearing dense, overgrown brush. This method cuts costs because only one machine and operator are required. There are no hauling fees or removal of debris.

  • mulch forestry mulching masticator defensible space wildfire protection weed abatement brush clearing mowing removal San Diego county land California North east county tractor caterpillar 299

    Defensible Space

    Defensible space is a buffer between your home or property and fuel for wildfire. Eliminating ladder fuels around your home at a minimum of 100 feet can greatly reduce the risk of a wildfire overtaking a structure.

  • mulch forestry mulching masticator defensible space wildfire protection weed abatement brush clearing mowing removal San Diego county land California North east county tractor caterpillar 299

    Weed Abatement

    Weed abatement eliminates small weeds and grasses. This flammable vegetation can carry fire across land and ignite larger areas of dense brush. Weed abatement is important step towards creating defensible space around structures and property.

  • Brush & Small Tree Removal

    Removing brush and small trees is a great way to reclaim the usefulness of property. This will open up large areas of the land, promote mature tree growth, and deter pests and rodents. It will create a safe barrier against fire and improves the esthetics of the land.

  • Underbrush Clearing

    Underbrush is the collection of shrubs and small trees that grow under heavily wooded areas. Removing underbrush promotes the growth of larger trees by eliminating the competition for sun and water. This method also removes latter fuels that cause ground fires to climb into forest canopies.

  • Tractor Work

    We offer light grading services to help maintain the roads and trails around property. Upkeep will minimize rain ruts and control the flow of water to help prevent erosion and deterioration of roads.